Sharing encouraging ideas….

Kathy’s other blogs

Links to Kathy’s other blogs:

Pocket Perspectives  (encouraging, nurturing ideas for more positive living)

Pocket Perspectives Youtube channel   (Pocket Perspectives booklets on youtube )

English For Me, Too,   (a site for supporting reading and speaking for English Language Learners. This site includes materials Kathy used for teaching English to 3 Tibetan Buddhist monks and a link to a large pdf document called English for Tibetans. Many of the newly added materials in “English for me, too” were created for helping 9 lovely women from Ethiopia, Eritrea and Yemen to learn very basic English )

Hold You In My Heart    (a blog to support others who are learning to create blogs that support compassion, generosity, kindness, compassionate service etc)

98 Years Old and Still Writing: Okie’s Poems   (Poems and writing by Kathy’s 98 year old Aunt Okie)

Old Pockets    ( a site from many years ago with many of the early Pocket Perspectives booklets and pages)

Hold You In My Heart    (a blog to support others who are learning to create blogs that support compassion, generosity, kindness, compassionate service etc)

Reflections from a Friend   (kind and encouraging ideas from Ven. Jampa, a Buddhist monk who is good friends with Kathy)

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