Sharing encouraging ideas….

4/29/2012 Seeking approval….motivation and intention are what counts


8 responses

  1. Intention is important. Being attached to the intention and not to outcome will help to decrease the need for approval. Thanks for the reminder because I need a poke now and again.

    Sue Bock

    April 29, 2012 at 6:11 pm

    • yes, going back again and again to the intention….doing this has been helpful as I try to avoid worrying about reactions to 2 blogs…and yes, a poke now and again is helpful…. : )

      April 29, 2012 at 6:22 pm

  2. Like Sue, I also need a poke now and then. Letting go of attachments is a day to day practice.

    April 30, 2012 at 1:08 am

    • Yes, it sure is a day to day practice….and sometimes, it seems to be a practice throughout the day too…it’s sooooo much calmer when able to rest in simple contentment with having a positive intention…but I have a ways to go on that…. : )

      April 30, 2012 at 5:09 pm

  3. Ah, how often we suffer needlessly when we speak and act with the subconscious motivation of seeking approval. What a great post!

    April 30, 2012 at 6:39 am

  4. I think that wish for approval can be difficult even when the speaking out is authentic and sincere, but then that wish for approval pops in and gets active…

    April 30, 2012 at 5:06 pm

  5. Androgoth

    In my own humble opinion whatever we do in life we can offer a positive direction just by being friendly, this can be achieved through offering positive words upon a posting that we encounter or in reality just a pleasant smile that conquers many first impressions…

    When I write something on my Space I don’t expect anyone to like nor dislike my work it is simply offered as is for anyone that chooses to read it, of course positive feedback is always welcomed and a balanced response whether assessing critically or when a sense of genuineness is expressed always adds to my enthusiasm…

    If just one person reads something that I have written and enjoys it then I have achieved my goal, not that everyone can like everything that one offers but that is for one’s own preferences as I am very happy with what I write and to me personally that is all that counts…

    Indeed I have no expectations of what others may perceive from my scripts and therefore my positivity always runs on a high note as negativity is not something that I am interested in. To cut a long comment short, I am always the optimist and consequently my cup is always half full 🙂 🙂

    Have a wonderful rest of afternoon and evening 🙂


    July 16, 2012 at 3:10 pm

  6. from Kathy….You really have a such a wonderfully positive outlook….if you look through this Reflections blog, you’ll see lots of similar perspectives from Jampa, too. He’s so positive too…I’m shifting, but still progressing.
    Your comments here and on PP are so warm, well written and encouraging…I wonder if you have a blog where you write about these positive ideas? ….or if you don’t already have one, if you might consider starting one? You write in such a warm, straightforward manner…I’d love to see a blog filled with your positive ideas. I think other people would really enjoy and benefit from reading your perspectives, and I would too…but maybe you already have a blog such as that? Each one of your comments on PP is the beginnings of a full post…I’d sure like to read expanded versions…. Ah ha, I’m full of bright ideas….my cup is full to overflowing with “bright ideas!” : ) I’m sure Jampa agrees…but he might say “watch out for Kathy’s “bright ideas!”..they involve work!” …but they are good ideas!

    July 16, 2012 at 8:05 pm

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